Spanish Colonial 11 | Custom Architectural Garage Door

This California Spanish Mediterranean estate boasts four garage bays with arched tops. The single-car garage doors were designed with the Spanish Mediterranean style of this home in mind. Each door features an eyebrow top that coincides with the homes existing arches. Each garage door was elegantly decorated with iron forged hardware that included extra long hinge straps, hand-forged iron ring pulls and decorative iron kick-plates at the bottom. The garage doors were handcrafted in clear cedar wood and stained with a flat oil rub finish that ties in with the earthy color of the terra cotta roof tiles. The dark iron hardware effectively contrast the earthy color of the wood and give off the impression of true out-swing carriage doors. The two horizontal trim pieces serve a decorative and functional purpose as the section cuts of these garage doors are hidden beneath each piece. These details are what differentiate Dynamic Garage Doors making them highly acclaimed for truly custom homes throughout the country.