Spanish Colonial 13 | Custom Architectural Garage Door

The rough select tight knot cedar wood that was used to create these Spanish style garage doors makes a stunning appeal. The hand-applied oil rub stain intensified the wood grain’s natural pattern and unique color variation of the wood. Designed in a simple colonial style, the garage doors feature trim pieces that create various flush panels with a v-groove, t&g plank design in the background. The top two thirds of the doors have three vertical flush panels while the bottom third of the garage door design features a six panel grid design. Beautiful iron rosettes decorate each cross section of the trim pieces while the length of the trims include traditional iron clavos. Far from trying to achieve a “carriage door” design, the unique design of these garage doors celebrate the fact that these are garage doors and not carriage doors. The goal of this garage door design was to stay true to the traditional portones seen throughout colonial architecture in Spain.