Spanish Colonial 14 | Custom Architectural Garage Door

The Spanish Colonial 14 architectural garage door design has been a trend setter within our Spanish Colonial Collection. Featuring exquisitely custom-designed iron forged straps and decorative iron ring pulls this garage door design establishes the norm for carriage style garage doors with an authentic Spanish architectural design. The double car garage door seen here was crafted in STK cedar wood with a double eyebrow arch to create a dual bay carriage door garage appearance. The eight strap hinges and two sets of ring pulls further accentuate the illusion of out-swing carriage doors that, in reality, roll up in sections like a conventional garage door. Looking carefully you’ll notice that the section breaks are ingeniously hidden below each of the horizontal trim pieces. Customizing this garage door design to your specifications is easily done by selecting alternate decorative hardware, selecting a different wood species and/or providing your own stain sample to match!