Tuscan Renaissance 02 | Custom Architectural Garage Door

Influenced by authentic Tuscan homes, the Tuscan Renaissance 02 garage door design has numerous elements that make it unique. The double car garage door was broken into an illusion that appears to be two separate bays of out-swing carriage doors. Each set has a faux arch at the top with a vertical tongue and groove backdrop. Perimeter trim pieces clearly define separate door panels with speakeasy windows decorated with iron-forged grills. The speakeasy windows are fitted with antique seedy glass panes that blend in well with the door’s historical appeal. Four rows of diamond head clavos line the ends of each vertical plank within the the framed trim section. A pair of decorative iron pulls decorate the center of each carriage door set to emphasize the desired illusion. The light brown stain color gives the door an overall subtle richness that ties the entire design of the door together!